We are mammals.
I strongly believe in the fact that we are mammals! (duh)
According to that, we should not be having this many problems around breastfeeding.
In the many years of my midwifery practice in Iran, I never confronted so many challenges, especially in the villages (almost none) So why is it that there are so many here you ask? It’s mainly the approach to breastfeeding.
As Dr. Christina Smillie, IBCLC, says:
“Breastfeeding WAS simple before we started making it complicated. Our left-brained instructions and rules can impede the mother’s innate abilities to interact with and learn from her infant.”
One of the families I was helping recently had seen other lactation consultants but they soon realized my approach was different and the dad gave me a new title “Lactation Enabler” He said I wasn’t just giving instructions, but was enabling the mom and showing them how their newborn was capable of breastfeeding (like all other mammals)